7 Cereal Machines from LEGO Bricks (How To Build)

Here are several custom Kellogg’s machines that dispense one’s favorite cereal. Really brought back memories as I built these while pursuing my Master’s degree, and I hope it helps you reminisce similarly.

0:00 Introduction
0:26 Cereal Stands
1:18 Frosted Flakes
2:36 Rice Krispies
4:04 Snap of Rice Krispies
4:45 Crackle of Rice Krispies
5:47 Pop of Rice Krispies
6:28 Frosted Mini-Wheats
7:31 Froot Loops
8:25 Apple Jacks
9:34 Raisin Bran

For Parts Lists and Files to Effortlessly Purchase them on BrickLink: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bolqxf3ly988dav/AAAs98mfOH_ThbtGs6jw53XIa?dl=0

Special thanks to YouTubers Legato Studios and Brick Science for preparing the above files for your convenience:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/astonishingstudios/

Business Email: astonishingstudios@gmail.com

At AstonishingStudios, we aim to entertain and educate curious minds through carefully designed custom creations with LEGO® pieces. From candy machines to food makers, each video will leave you hungrier and more intelligent than the last.

As a LEGO® fanatic and vending machine enthusiast, Marcel, the founder of Astonishing Studios, stumbled across a YouTube video that changed his life: a LEGO Candy Machine. After scrutinizing every similar creation on YouTube and building his own, he decided to share his work online. What began as a curiosity evolved into a full time venture, now ranking as the most popular LEGO® food channel and among the top focused on LEGO® bricks in general.

LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® Group of Companies, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this channel.