We need to talk about sponsorships — SO much MISinformation

A one-take dive into sponsorships, payments, transparency, endorsements, bias, assumptions, and misconceptions about YouTube & other social media content & creators.

Documents & links featured in this video:
Federal Trade Commission Disclosures 101

FTC Endorsement Guides & FAQ

Instagram “What content is considered branded Content?”

Instagram Branded Content Policies

TikTok content disclosure guidelines

YouTube product placements, sponsorships, & endorsements guide

As an Amazon Associate & Rakuten affiliate I may receive a small commission from sales to help keep my independent channels afloat.

https://youtube.com/JANGsLEGOreviews Non-sponsored LEGO reviews
https://twitch.tv/theJANG Twitch live LEGO & Gundam streams
https://www.youtube.com/c/JANGcity My all-custom LEGO city / railroad
https://youtube.com/PureBuilds Chill real-time binaural builds
https://patreon.com/jangbricks Support my work via Patreon
https://instagram.com/jangbricks4real LEGO Instagram
https://instagram.com/jangmecha Gundam Instagram
https://tiktok.com/@jangbricks4real TikTok medium-length LEGO vids
https://twitter.com/JangBricks Twitter

All comments are moderated to maintain a safe, positive environment. Bad behavior is rejected, abusers are reported & blocked. https://jangbricks.com/commentpolicy

The opinions I express are mine and mine alone and not for sale for any price. Ads, when shown, are selected & placed by YouTube itself.