I recreated the Invincible War in LEGO, including characters such as Mark Grayson, Conquest, Angstrom Levy, Atom Eve, Movincihawk, Omnivincible, and more!
I know this was a pretty different video than I normally do, I kinda wanted to experiment with it, so yeah let me know what yáll thought
ALso yeah I know I haven’t posted in months, which is way way longer than I wanted the break to be, but my life has been super hectic as of late.
I’m hoping once my junior year ends I’ll be able to get back to at least monthy uploads, but ideally every week or two.
Anyway, thats about all I have for yáll today, if you have any videos you want me to make in the future make sure to let me know down in the comments, and with that, have a great day and go build something awesome.