Have you ever met a cuter chonk! Best set in January for me 😛 #orangecat #orangecatenergy If you’d like to support the channel feel free to become a member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCPUkHe_WATCH VIDEO
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2023 has been a crazy year that saw me build my own LEGO room and start working on the city again with a new layout. Though lots have changed, some things haven’t. Like the fact WATCH VIDEO
I know I know, better late than never, but here is the overview of how I lit up my Natural History Museum. I am still so pleased with the outcome. Though the interior lights need WATCH VIDEO
The Holidays are here and that means finally some time for LEGO! if I am honest I was hoping to do more, but it seems my hours have kinda caught up with me and I WATCH VIDEO
After various requests and realising I had not done an actual room tour in this room yet, here it is. 6 months and many changes later! Can you actually believe it? I watched my previous room WATCH VIDEO
Taking a little break from city updates to talk about this set I bought in the sale not long ago. I had been super hyped about this theme but hadn’t gotten around to getting WATCH VIDEO
That is right, after a long year and way more delays that our wildest dreams could even come up with, Olly has finally gotten the keys to his flat so I thought it was only WATCH VIDEO
Instructions for the banner: on my members discord. Public link TBC I have been so excited to share this with you that I just had to upload it today. This week has just been the WATCH VIDEO
If you watched my last video where I got my first set you won’t be surprised this happened. Honestly, I have not felt this excited in ages and just knew this was the right WATCH VIDEO
Sometimes finishing the small projects has the biggest difference. This is a video that hopefully will remind you that not every project needs to be earth-shattering. I hope this inspires you to add some little WATCH VIDEO