This caught me completely off guard. I hadseen people around Europe receiving their Pre-ordered Modular over the last few days. However, I was unsure I would get mine as I only ordered during Insider days WATCH VIDEO
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Having a day to do lego is such a luxury these days and this was one of the best I have had in ages. I finally knew what I wanted to do with the city WATCH VIDEO
Sometimes things just really don’t go to plan. Though I LOVE this alt build, it just really doesn’t work in my city, however here is the link if you want to check it WATCH VIDEO
Sorting used to be a relaxing activity but now there is a lot to do and I find it pretty overwhelming. However, I thought I would share my process and tips and tricks with you WATCH VIDEO
Honestly was so hyped to find this on discount in Sainsbury’s and can’t wait to see what this set holds. It looks so much fun! Join me on the journey 😀 —— If you’d WATCH VIDEO
So like everyone in the world I also saw the new modular being released and had many many thoughts. Sadly it took me a while to find some time to sit down and share these WATCH VIDEO
So you all know I have a serious obsession with adding lights to everything. I never really set out to do this to all the sets I own, but I do think it really adds WATCH VIDEO
I have had this set for ages since I bought it from the Corsham Toy Shop and just haven’t gotten around to building it. This seems a wonderful time 😀 —— If you’d like to WATCH VIDEO
This happens to the best of us, the urge to just go out and buy LEGO. I could not resist this time. So here was a day of joyful shopping and spending more money than WATCH VIDEO
Having visited the Great Western Brick Show at Steam last year, I was super excited to be back. Though I was displaying myself this time I did my best to try and capture as much WATCH VIDEO