Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new upcoming LEGO Batman Art set releasing on March 1st! You can pre-order this set on LEGO Shop @ Home! Thanks to LEGO / LAN for sending me WATCH VIDEO
Tags :ashnflash
Today, we’re talking about the brand new LEGO IDEAS Results for 2022 which technically is for the final sets of 2021 but no one would click on a video with that title… Ashnflash Shorts: https://www.WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re looking at the brand new upcoming set from Thor Love and Thunder – the Goat Boat! This set will be releasing on April 26, 2022 and is one of TWO sets connected to the new WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at all the early March 1st LEGO sets I got this week! Some stuff I ordered from a site early linked below, something from LEGO / LAN and something from WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re talking about all the brand new LEGO Harry Potter Summer 2022 Sets! We got a TON of information from promobricks today talking about all these sets releasing on June 1st! There’s a WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking all about the brand new rumor / leak of a new Doctor Strange Sanctum Sanctorum set coming out some time in the Spring of 2022! HUGE thanks to Buzz Brickyear for the Sanctum WATCH VIDEO
Today, LEGO has unveiled SIX new LEGO Jurassic World Dominion sets! All of these sets will be releasing on April 17th, 2022 to coincide with the release of the new movie in June! Ashnflash Shorts: https://WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re looking at the brand new LEGO Spider-Man vs Green Goblin Mech Battle set launching on April 1st – available for pre-order right now! Ashnflash Shorts: VIDEO
Today, we’re talking about the brand new listing on LEGO Shop @ Home available for pre-order right now! The Spider-Man & Green Goblin Mech Battle. The description is very…. Interesting. VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the AMAZING Spider-Man sets created by my friend Buzz Brickyear! He made a whole wave of sets for Spider-Man No Way Home that are spoiler filled! From a WATCH VIDEO