Tags :ashnflash


The OFFICIAL LEGO Mission Impossible Set

Did you know there was an official LEGO Mission Impossible set that released back in 2016? Ashnflash Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAcnjXXU0wNxQuItj62H0yg Ashnflash Xtra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3kEze-ey913WATCH VIDEO


RARE LEGO Sonic Box Eggman Challenge

Today is the final day to participate in the LEGO IDEAS contest – #makelegosonicmoreeggman Participate and vote below – https://ideas.lego.com/challenges/d245f35e-709c-405a-a544-1b61d001361c?challenge_phase=59b0d040WATCH VIDEO