Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new LEGO Batman Batcave Shadow Box releasing on June 5th for VIP members and June 10th non-VIP members! The set is based off of Batman Returns WATCH VIDEO
Tags :ashnflash
Today, thanks to a LEGO catalog we got our first look at the Summer 2023 Minecraft wave! These should all be available beginning on August 1st! Source: Ashnflash Shorts: https://WATCH VIDEO
Today, thanks to a LEGO catalog we got our first look at a couple new Star Wars sets! Most of them releasing on August 1st and the Advent Calendar releasing on September 1st! Source: https://WATCH VIDEO
Today, thanks to a LEGO catalog we got our first look at a couple new Marvel sets! The Captain America Shield releasing on August 1st and the Advent Calendar releasing on September 1st! Source: https://WATCH VIDEO
Today, thanks to a LEGO catalog we got our first look at a couple new Marvel sets! The Captain America Shield releasing on August 1st and the Advent Calendar releasing on September 1st! Source: https://WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new LEGO Disney 100 2023 set – the Enchanted Treehouse! This set will be available beginning on June 1st! Thank you to LEGO / LAN for sending this to me WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new Marvel sets – Captain America Construction Figure and Wolverine Construction Figure releasing on August 1st in North America but everywhere else June 1st! This was sent WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new Marvel set – Black Widow & Captain America Motorcycles releasing on August 1st in North America but everywhere else June 1st! This was sent to me WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new LEGO Icons 2023 set – Pac-Man Arcade! This set will be available beginning on June 1st! Thank you to LEGO / LAN for sending this to me early! WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new LEGO Disney 100 2023 set – 100 Years of Disney Animation Icons! This set will be available beginning on June 1st! Thank you to LEGO / LAN for sending this WATCH VIDEO