Today, LEGO unveiled the brand new $350 Black Panther Bust set releasing on October 1st! And well… This sorta makes a mess of things. ALSO it’s missing something really big… The T-Challa minifigure is from WATCH VIDEO
Tags :ashnflash
Today, we’re discussing the latest response and reason given to us by someone from LEGO as to why we are no longer getting DC sets. The answer is… Well to put it simply – flawed… WATCH VIDEO
Today, I’m sharing with you all my feel guide for the brand new Minifigures Series 23! Ashnflash Shorts: Ashnflash Xtra: VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new LEGO Minifigures Series – Series 23! This is sorta a holiday series / costume series! Ashnflash Shorts: Ashnflash Xtra: WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the 2022 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar! Ashnflash Shorts: Ashnflash Xtra: WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the 2022 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar! Ashnflash Shorts: Ashnflash Xtra: WATCH VIDEO
Today, I went to the LEGO Store and bought a lot of new things that just came out on September 1st! As well as some other goodies! Ashnflash Shorts: VIDEO
Today… We’re talking about how I was wrong about the Obi Wan Kenobi sets! Ashnflash Shorts: Ashnflash Xtra: VIDEO
Today (a few days ago) I got the Office LEGO set early thanks to LEGO / LAN! Ashnflash Shorts: Ashnflash Xtra: VIDEO
Today we got some very exciting news about an upcoming LEGO Minifigures series for 2023! The one releasing in May is rumored to be a series for the 100 Year Anniversary of Disney! Ashnflash Shorts: https://www.WATCH VIDEO