Tags :brick science


360° LEGO Submarine DIVE

Check out the Full Video : https://youtu.be/s7Qo4izHW5c Interactive 360° LEGO Submarine DIVE. Click and drag screen if you’re watching on computer, or for phone viewers- rotate phone around you. I WATCH VIDEO


I built a LEGO ISLAND…

I build a Lego island resort and test it against a giant tsunami… Collab with Hafu Go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-KJVFZDvMw Submit a banger video idea here: https://forms.gle/GXK3uwLSuGKPEJzc9 📸 WATCH VIDEO


$100 vs $1,000 LEGO Houses!

Check out Krazy Ky’s Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs! https://store.bricklink.com/KrazyKys ZOMBLOT: https://www.Ooblot.com In this video we’re going head to head to see who can WATCH VIDEO


I Built a LEGO Claw Machine!

I Built a Working LEGO Claw Machine with some crazy prizes in it! Check out Krazy Ky’s Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs! https://store.bricklink.com/KrazyKys Get your Ooblot Buildable Crash WATCH VIDEO


I Built Hidden LEGO Safes!

I Built Crazy Hidden LEGO Safes! Check out Krazy Ky’s Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs! https://store.bricklink.com/KrazyKys Merch: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/products/brick-built-room-t-shirt?variant=43536473456771 John 3:16 Jesus loves you! 🙂 WATCH VIDEO


We Built Working LEGO Armor!

We Built Working LEGO Armor! Check out Krazy Ky’s Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs! https://store.bricklink.com/KrazyKys In this video me and my friend Christian went head to head, to WATCH VIDEO


Overnight in the World’s Only LEGO Room

I finally spent the night in my LEGO Room… Check out Krazy Ky’s Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs! https://store.bricklink.com/KrazyKys Merch: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/products/brick-built-room-t-shirt?variant=43536473456771 John 3:16 WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Vehicles vs All Terrain…

Check out Krazy Ky’s Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs! https://store.bricklink.com/KrazyKys In this video I build and test 7 LEGO Vehicles for different terrains like Mud, Dirt, Sand, ice, Snow, WATCH VIDEO


1 Color LEGO Building Challenge!

Check out Krazy Ky’s Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs! https://store.bricklink.com/KrazyKys In this video we Built CRAZY LEGO Sculptures using ONLY 1 Color! Merch: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/brick-science WATCH VIDEO