I may not have all my equipment but we are going for it anyway. Let’s catch up, build some Lego and hang out on this stunning Sunday! Snacks and tea ready? Let’s go! — WATCH VIDEO
Tags :Building LEGO
I will change the thumbnail once I actually have this set in my hands, and yes, a vlog will also be made. BUT, ARE YOU READY? I am so excited to live build this. I WATCH VIDEO
Why hello there, let’s remember I can still do it. Let’s build this set together and catch up! Look forward to hanging out 😀 —— If you’d like to support the channel (it is WATCH VIDEO
Not done this in a long time. Let’s build this set together and catch up! Look forward to hanging out 😀 Ben’s D&D channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DungeonBoy-TTRPG —— If you’d WATCH VIDEO
Monkie Kid is such an underrated theme and there is so much joy to be found in it. Let’s find out if this set measures up! Ben’s D&D channel: https://www.WATCH VIDEO
I know this is pretty different to what I usually do and I am pretty nervous. But I used to play World of Warcraft quite a bit and though I am not a hardcore player WATCH VIDEO
Honestly was so hyped to find this on discount in Sainsbury’s and can’t wait to see what this set holds. It looks so much fun! Join me on the journey 😀 —— If you’d WATCH VIDEO
I have had this set for ages since I bought it from the Corsham Toy Shop and just haven’t gotten around to building it. This seems a wonderful time 😀 —— If you’d like to WATCH VIDEO
As you may have seen in my latest video, I got this set for my Birthday!!! So hyped you have no idea 😀 Let’s build it together and catch up as it’s been a WATCH VIDEO
After making a good start on this about a month ago it is time to return to this epic build. Let’s grab our captain hats and set sail! —— If you’d like to support WATCH VIDEO