In this LEGO City update, we expand the downtown core by reconfigureing the road layout and relocating modular buildings. Also, we add more details to the city such as minifigures, street lights, traffic controls, and WATCH VIDEO
Tags :city
LEGO City 60375 Fire Station and Fire Engine Speed Build Review All new LEGO sets you find here:* LEGO (EU)* : LEGO (GB)* : WATCH VIDEO
In this update I fix the LEGO City Zoo Arctic Exhibits by changing up tile colour, tiling the surrounding area, and replacing some of the white slopes. It looks a lot better! After that I WATCH VIDEO
Donate your LEGO® bricks to inspire the builders of tomorrow: In this LEGO City update we start developing the new recently expanded downtown area with the addition of more roads! LEGO WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Beach Fire Command Hostage Rescue. Lego Stop Motion Animation Movie. Created By LEGOSTOP Films. #lego #firecommand #firetruck SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I build a new platform for Ninjago City! Once the platform was placed, all the surrounding coverings had to be modified to accommodate the new height. Also, the train track WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City Update I continue developing the changes involving the new raised platform. I ran out of space in the downtown core… so something big had to happen! I think I’ve came WATCH VIDEO
I went to place the LEGO Botanical Garden today and realized… the downtown was out of space! So I decided to make some drastic changes to the LEGO city layout! The changes include another level WATCH VIDEO
Join me on Whatnot where I’ll be auctioning some epic minifigures LIVE! – get $15 cash when you join! In this LEGO city update I start adding details to the downtown WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I start building UP in the countryside! We’re talking 10 bricks of depth for the river! Today’s development includes the base construction of a 48×48 plate and 2x 64×64 plates that WATCH VIDEO