Today, LEGO has officially unveiled it’s brand new LEGO Friends set – The Apartments! Featuring both the Girls’ AND the Boys’ apartments! This set is going to be available starting on May the 19th for WATCH VIDEO
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Today, we’re looking at some early sets that I got sent by LEGO to review! Ashnflash Xtra: My Instagram: My WATCH VIDEO
Today, I thought we’d sit down and go over my list for the Top 10 Missing Things from Minecraft we need to get for the LEGO theme! Special thanks to everyone who helped on out WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re talking about LEGO’s tease for the upcoming FRIENDS set releasing later this month! Ashnflash Xtra: My WATCH VIDEO
Today we got a tease from LEGO about Stranger Things!!! Ashnflash Xtra: My Instagram: My WATCH VIDEO
Today, we got some news of a Minifigure Scale Tumbler coming in 2021, thanks to promobricks! Ashnflash Xtra: My Instagram: My Twitter: WATCH VIDEO
Today, LEGO (after Star Wars Day has passed) has released the official pictures for the brand new Bad Batch set, available right now for pre-order and releasing on August 1st! Ashnflash Xtra: VIDEO
Today, we’re looking at a theory that I came across from Bricks By Mind! And I thought I’d share it with you and add some more thoughts now that we’ve seen the WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re looking at all of the 57 IDEAS Projects in review right now! We have 57 projects in review including the first ever project to reach 10k votes in 23 hours! Baba Yaga: VIDEO
Today, we’re celebrating May the Fourth and we’re building some LEGO Star Wars sets and chatting 😀 SwiftBricks: Potterminifigpals: WATCH VIDEO