In this LEGO city update we build detailed water for Ninjago City! The water is pretty part intensive… but the end result looks great! Today I walk through the process of building the water during WATCH VIDEO
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Check out our detailed dog park that sits on 4x baseplates. It features elevation change, a curved stone wall, an ingot path, trees, benches, fun details, and much more! LEGO affiliate link: https://click.linksynergy.WATCH VIDEO
Check out the Bambu Lab 3D printers here: (affiliate link) In this LEGO City Zoo update, we work on a few different exhibits: barn animals, WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City update we UPGRADE the train track around the amusement park. The upgrades incudes a huge double curve track and 8 double straight tracks on 32×32 baseplates. All of the track is fully tiled WATCH VIDEO
I just WAS NOT HAPPY with the front 2 blocks of the LEGO city… sooo it was time to move some modular buildings! In order to get the look that I wanted I had to move WATCH VIDEO
On Saturday, August 17th at 2 pm MT, I’ll be hosting a live auction with giveaways on Whatnot! The giveaways include international shipping and are free to enter. Not on Whatnot? Join using my link – WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City update I build a huge 16×96 fountain plate! The plate sits beside the central park and in front of the Grand Emporium, Book Shop, and Palace Cinema. In addition to that I WATCH VIDEO
Today I build a massive LEGO plate for the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs set! This is the first detailed plate for the countryside… and it is HUGE! The plate consists of 4x 48×48 plate, WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I improve all of the baseplates in front of the zoo. The upgrades include a car pull around, gravel roads, boat launch, train track and more. Before today this area WATCH VIDEO
Carry your minifigures anywhere with FigLeaf Kickstarter: In this LEGO city update I continue working on the mountain! I started the base construction WATCH VIDEO