I just WAS NOT HAPPY with the front 2 blocks of the LEGO city… sooo it was time to move some modular buildings! In order to get the look that I wanted I had to move WATCH VIDEO
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On Saturday, August 17th at 2 pm MT, I’ll be hosting a live auction with giveaways on Whatnot! The giveaways include international shipping and are free to enter. Not on Whatnot? Join using my link – WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City update I build a huge 16×96 fountain plate! The plate sits beside the central park and in front of the Grand Emporium, Book Shop, and Palace Cinema. In addition to that I WATCH VIDEO
Today I build a massive LEGO plate for the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs set! This is the first detailed plate for the countryside… and it is HUGE! The plate consists of 4x 48×48 plate, WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I improve all of the baseplates in front of the zoo. The upgrades include a car pull around, gravel roads, boat launch, train track and more. Before today this area WATCH VIDEO
Carry your minifigures anywhere with FigLeaf https://figleaf.fun/ Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/figleaf/figleafcarry-your-favorite-minifigures-with-imagination?ref=1ila53 In this LEGO city update I continue working on the mountain! I started the base construction WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I start building the massive mountain! The mountain sits right behind the zoo and will cover the first raised platform that supports the Ninjago modular buildings. In this video I WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city zoo update I finish building the MILS plates and work on the placement of the animal habitats! The new zoo offers the animals a lot more space and includes a river! WATCH VIDEO
In this studio update, I finish constructing the LEGO city table frames and start screwing down the tops! It is HUGE! Oh my, am I ever excited! Everything is going according to plan… BUT… there WATCH VIDEO
Take a detailed look at all of my modified LEGO modular buildings! Over the past year, I have increased the size and height of 10 modulars and in this video, I feature them all! The bunch WATCH VIDEO