Tags :engineering


May the 4th LIVESTREAM • Improving my AT-TE

Adding steering and canon rotation to my custom micro-scaled LEGO AT-TE walker. Website: https://jkbrickworks.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JKBrickworks Instagram: https://instagram.com/jasonallemann Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasonallemann Facebook: https://www.WATCH VIDEO


LIVE • Building a Wind Waker Kinetic Sculpture

Building a Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Kinetic Sculpture out of LEGO. Video of the original wooden sculpture: https://twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1092146457329557504 Website: https://jkbrickworks.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JKBrickworks Instagram: https://WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Flip Walker • Design Breakdown

Design breakdown for my unconventional, impractical, and completely awesome LEGO walking machine. Based on the Bear Mobill toy from Bandai, produced in 1987, a trolley drives along the inside of the loop, causing it to continuously WATCH VIDEO


Graphing the Motion Profile of LEGO Cams

I created a jig to graph the movement profile of various LEGO pieces when they are used as cams. Turn on captions for some insight into the build. 0:00 Setup, 1×3 Liftarm 0:26 1×5 Plate 0:42 3×3 L Shape 0:57 3×5 Triangle 1:12 Pulley WATCH VIDEO