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Lego Separatist Pack! Minifig Scale Droids

Get The Instructions Here! https://www.brickvault.toys/products/separatist-droid-battle-pack-2-minifig-scale During The Clone Wars, there were nearly countless theaters where battles raged. This droid pack contains some of the lesser-known specialized droids created by WATCH VIDEO


Avatar Custom LEGO SA-2 Samson & AMP Suit!

SA-2 Samson Get The Instructions Here! https://www.brickvault.toys/products/sa-2-samson-minifig-scale AMP Suit Get The Instructions Here! https://www.brickvault.toys/products/amp-suit-minfig-scale The Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson is the workhorse rotor wing of WATCH VIDEO


Massive Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship! Two Colors!

Get The Instructions Here! https://www.brickvault.toys/products/lucrehulk-class-droid-control-ships-trade-federation-separatist Believe it or not, the primary capital ship of the Separatists is in fact just a modified cargo hauler. The Lucrehulk is a massive vessel WATCH VIDEO