0% Chance Of SURVIVAL AGAINST This WEAPON! LEGO Prison Break #legoland #LegoPrisonBreak #legopolice #lego #legostopmotion #woavideos ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break https://go.woanetwork.com/LegoLandLegoPrisonBreak ★ LEGO Land – Lego Police https://go.WATCH VIDEO
Tags :LEGO Challenge
In this video I attempt and beat world records, using LEGO… 🎥 INSTAGRAM for BTS, sneak peaks, updates, special announcements: https://www.instagram.com/td_the_creator/ 📱TIKTOK for short form content: tiktok.com/@td_the_WATCH VIDEO
MandRproductions brought 20 LEGO fans together to compete for $2,000 of LEGO sets! Starting with the Tie Fighter Toss, into the LEGO Clone Army Build Challenge, blindfold build, and the best of the best built a MOC WATCH VIDEO
Doof participated in the Surviving 24 hours on a deserted island challenge by Mr.Beast, but there’s a catch. Can the challengers succeed? Lego Challenge | Surviving 24 Hours on Giant Deserted Snake Island ( Lego Mr Beast) WATCH VIDEO