In this LEGO City update we revise the layout of the residential area, blend in the sloped roads, fix the raised platform coverings, and more! LEGO affiliate link: VIDEO
Tags :lego city update
In today’s LEGO city update, I fix 10 things that have been driving me crazy! LEGO affiliate link: Join this channel WATCH VIDEO
Placing this massive wood platform in the LEGO city was a dangerous procedure!WATCH VIDEO
Today we finish upgrading the grounds of the botanical garden and place it in the LEGO city! The build now features a creek that flows into the zoo waterfall and canal, various walking paths, all WATCH VIDEO
In this video we fix HIDEOUS GAPS in the LEGO City! We have been powering though LEGO city projects as of late – the zoo, gravel roads, mountain, train track, etc. Now it was time to WATCH VIDEO
In this update we detail the LEGO “mountain” or hill with thousands of parts! The upgrades include a hot spring, hiking trail, rock blending, vegetation, and more. LEGO affiliate link: VIDEO
In this LEGO City update we finish, fix, change, and improve roads and train track in the countryside. LEGO affiliate link: WATCH VIDEO
Join me this Sunday on Whatnot for 10x giveaways, some rad figures, good tunes, and delicious coffee (lol). Not on Whatnot? Join using my affiliate link and get a $15 credit that can be applied to WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, we expand the road and river in the countryside. The road now leads from the bridge to the soon-to-be railroad crossing bridge. Unlike the other gravel road, this one is WATCH VIDEO
In this update we place the zoo back in the LEGO city and discuss the surrounding area. After that, we work on finishing road construction and make a bunch of MILS plates. The roads included WATCH VIDEO