In this LEGO City Update I reshuffle the downtown modular layout. I like the design… but the tall building were sort of obstructing the view. So I decided to change the entire front block and WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego city update
Today I move the massive 38 baseplate winter village to the LEGO city! The diorama split into 18 different modules: 8 road and 10 building/terrain. That made it pretty easy to move! After moving it I cleaned up WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I install a new raised platform in the amusement park. The platform supports the roller coaster, Haunted Mansion, and haunted house. I made it a little bit shorter than the WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City update I expand and top the mountain ridgeline surrounding the Ninjago platform. The expansion incudes destroying and rebuilding a modular and creating a new 96 stud one. The tops line up perfectly WATCH VIDEO
Some recent city additions! The Brick Cross Train Station and the Tudor Corner! #lego #legocityWATCH VIDEO
Placing the 2025 LEGO Modular Building was a bit tricky because it looks substantially different than the others. I had a few spots in mind for the Tudor Corner, and today in this video, I test WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update we upgrade the canal around the Venetian Houses. To do this we had to raise the foundation of the Venetian House, build more water plates, add a bridge, modify/add WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, we’re making room for a new train station! This is a Bricklink Designer Program set, and it was such an enjoyable build! In order to integrate this set into WATCH VIDEO
In this update I build the wood structure for the subway that goes around the entire perimeter of the LEGO city! It took a lot of wood cutting and shelf bracket installation but the end WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City update, we expand the downtown core by reconfigureing the road layout and relocating modular buildings. Also, we add more details to the city such as minifigures, street lights, traffic controls, and WATCH VIDEO