Today I start working on my new LEGO Zoo for the new LEGO city layout! The zoo will be larger than ever before and I hope to add some exciting things like a creak, elevation, WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego city update
In this LEGO City Update I start developing the cove that separates the beach from the harbor. The rock work stretches over 5 baseplates from the Old Fishing Store to the Lighthouse. I think it looks WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I continue working on the harbor and train yard! I start the changes by giving the boats more space by moving the piers. After that I upgrade the large over WATCH VIDEO
It is time to start working on the LEGO city canal! To do that I raised a row of modular buildings, build custom coverings for to blend in the height difference, created a new water WATCH VIDEO
On Saturday, June 22nd at 12 pm MT, I’ll be hosting a live auction on Whatnot and giving away the UCS R2-D2! The giveaway includes international shipping and is free to enter. Not on WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I finish building the roads in the residential area! The road plates had to be specially made to accommodate driveway pull-ins, a train track crossing, corners, etc. In addition to WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I continue working on the roads, train tracks, and boardwalk. That includes the construction of over 33 MILS Plates! To build all those I had to order a ton of pieces… WATCH VIDEO
LEGO TRAIN TRACK… I need a lot of it… and it all has to be treated in some way, whether that be tiled off, ballast, or raised. To do that I need a lot of WATCH VIDEO
Get 25% off Gentlebands with discount code “Bricksie” – thank you so much Gentlebands for sponsoring this video… I love my Ruins Whisper band from the Galactic Legends collection! In this WATCH VIDEO
Today I continue working on the new LEGO city layout! I want to try accommodating a boatyard and train yard in this new city, as we have much more space. I also plan to incorporate WATCH VIDEO