Today I START BUILDING MY NEW LEGO CITY! The tables easily consumed ALL of my modules! That includes downtown, residential, mountains, zoo, campground, medieval, winter village, amusement park, and much more! There is still so WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego city update
In this video, you can see a massive sky/cloud mural come to life via timelapse! The LEGO City cloud background is officially done and when modulars are placed in front of it… it looks WATCH VIDEO
Today I started designing the tables for the HUGE LEGO City Layout! The tables can accommodate 966 baseplates! I started this process on Excel quite some time ago but today I brought it to the next WATCH VIDEO
Today I started the process of breaking down the LEGO City! I decided that the best place to start was with the train lines because they somewhat lock the city in place, consume a tone WATCH VIDEO
On Saturday, December 30th at 2 pm MT, I’ll be hosting a live auction on Whatnot and giving away an AT-AT Walker! There might be a few more giveaways as well ;). The giveaways include international WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update add traffic controls and street signs/names to the roads. All the different streets and names actually made it rather complex! But now that the streets are identified and the WATCH VIDEO
In this video, I finish building my LEGO Central Park! This build turned out beautiful! It could be one of my BEST landscapes! The park totals 8 baseplates and includes The Botanical Garden, a Fountain, the WATCH VIDEO
In today’s video, we add details back to the LEGO city! This includes minifigure placement and story-telling, adding benches, bushes, greenery, and much more! The city is quickly coming back together! Use this international WATCH VIDEO
Today I started working on the LEGO Central Park and made a slight change to the layout. I started by fixing up the road plates around the park by adding grass and a masonry wall. WATCH VIDEO
Here is a quick look at the new LEGO Coty layout that focuses on a “clean” look!WATCH VIDEO