In this LEGO City amusement park update I DESTROY MY ROADS! But don’t worry, it’s all good! I decided I could fully tile off the amusement park if I temporarily borrowed tiles from WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego city update
First I went LEGO SHOPPING… then worked on the AMUSEMENT PARK… then made some big changes to the CITY! Wow… that escalated quickly! The city changes open up a bunch of space and in my WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I finally finish the beach! A long time ago I decided to remodel a huge portion of my LEGO city by removing the boat dock and expanding the campground/beach. WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City amusement park update I fix the custom mixer platform, adjust the layout, start adding details, and come up with the next big project! Use these affiliate links to buy directly from WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I finished the raised platform! In order to do this I had to build complex platform coverings with tunnels and train supports. After building and installing the new coverings I WATCH VIDEO
In this update, I finish building my custom train station and place it in the LEGO city. This new train station is built into the raised platform! It has lots of details such as signage, WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City update, I continue working on the raised platform plates! After upgrading the airstrip I integrate the Bricklink Designer Program 8-Studs House and connect the creek from the Lion Knights Castle by WATCH VIDEO
Take a detailed look a the entire LEGO room as of Spring 2023! Lots has happened in the LEGO City, so that is the primary focus of this video. I talk about everything that has been WATCH VIDEO
I spent a week building the BEST lego city ever! Whats your favourite part? WANT $15 FREE? SIGN UP TO WHATNOT HERE – Check out LightMyBricks – WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I continue working on the downtown expansion. Included in these changes are reconfiguring all of the roads, adding sidewalks, fixing up the amusement park entrance, creating parking, fixing the tables, WATCH VIDEO