In today’s video, we add details back to the LEGO city! This includes minifigure placement and story-telling, adding benches, bushes, greenery, and much more! The city is quickly coming back together! Use this international WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego city
Sometimes finishing the small projects has the biggest difference. This is a video that hopefully will remind you that not every project needs to be earth-shattering. I hope this inspires you to add some little WATCH VIDEO
Today I started working on the LEGO Central Park and made a slight change to the layout. I started by fixing up the road plates around the park by adding grass and a masonry wall. WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Bank Robbery…#shorts #lego #legostopmotion #legocity #legostopmotion #woavideos #legoland ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break ★ LEGO Land – Lego Police ★ LEGO WATCH VIDEO
Here is a quick look at the new LEGO Coty layout that focuses on a “clean” look!WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO Winter Village update I add details and minifigures! It looks so much better now! BUT at what cost!! OMG a huge DISASTER happened while working on this project! Use this international affiliate WATCH VIDEO
This caught me completely off guard. I hadseen people around Europe receiving their Pre-ordered Modular over the last few days. However, I was unsure I would get mine as I only ordered during Insider days WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I refresh and place all of the roads! Now the roads are consistent with bicycle lanes, green strips, driveway pull-ins, crosswalks, and much more. The roads defiantly pull the whole WATCH VIDEO
LEGO City Prison Break…#shorts #lego #legostopmotion #legocity #legostopmotion #woavideos #legoland ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break ★ LEGO Land – Lego Police ★ LEGO WATCH VIDEO