Today I found sets that lego cancelled and almost made like lego among us, lego shrek, lego disney and other rare most wanted lego sets. Bolt’s Helicopter: VIDEO
Tags :lego city
Sorting used to be a relaxing activity but now there is a lot to do and I find it pretty overwhelming. However, I thought I would share my process and tips and tricks with you WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Bank ATM Fault Robbery Fail. Stop Motion animation videos. Created By LEGOSTOP Films #lego #animation #legobank SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO
In this LEG Oroom update, I change the winter village and start working on its modular buildings! This includes a custom coffee shop matching the Main Street buildings and completing the back of the Fire WATCH VIDEO
LEGO Ideas 21342 The Insect Collection Speed Build Review All new LEGO sets you find here:* Here is an overview of all LEGO City Fire sets made 2005. Polybags are not in this WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I place the new Natural History Museum Modular Building! I feel like I am doing this way too early this year… wake me up, is it 2024? In order to make WATCH VIDEO
So like everyone in the world I also saw the new modular being released and had many many thoughts. Sadly it took me a while to find some time to sit down and share these WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Driller Truck Prison Break. is a funny Lego Stop Motion Animation Films. Created By LEGOSTOP Films #legocity #prisonbreak #lego2023 #lego SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO
Smart Thief Has Pretended To Be Dead Deceive The Police | LEGO City Bank Robbery #legoland #legorobbery #legobank #lego #legostopmotion #woavideos ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break ★ LEGO WATCH VIDEO
So you all know I have a serious obsession with adding lights to everything. I never really set out to do this to all the sets I own, but I do think it really adds WATCH VIDEO