In this LEGO VLOG I build a bunch of sets, update some shelves, clean things up, fix the walls, work on the city, and much more! Busy busy! Use these affiliate links to buy directly WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego city
If you’d like to support the channel feel free to become a member! — Affiliated links: LIGHT KITS: Game of Bricks: and WATCH VIDEO
Lego City SWAT Secret Prison Break. Lego Stop Motion Animation Films. Created By LEGOSTOP Films #legoswat #prisonbreak #lego2023 #lego SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO
It took a little longer for me to get around to editing this as there was so much footage, but we made so much progress! Honestly love how it is finally shaping up to be WATCH VIDEO
Play World of Warships here: Thank you World of Warships for sponsoring this video. During registration use the promo code WARSHIPS to receive a huge starter pack including a bunch WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Tunnel Bank Robbery #lego #legoland #bankrobbery ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break ★ LEGO Land – Lego Police ★ LEGO Land – Lego Apocalypse WATCH VIDEO
#shorts There are tons of real-life crossovers in the LEGO world. Your Minifigure could visit a McDonald’s, top up gas in their Ferrari at the Shell Service Station and so much more! Stick to WATCH VIDEO
Hamster A-MAZE-ING LEGO Obstacle Course – Escape from Police Station #lego #legoland #legostopmotion #hamster ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break ★ LEGO Land – Lego Police VIDEO
Lego City Prison Break Fail Shark Attack. is a funny Lego Stop Motion Animation Films. Created By LEGOSTOP Films #legocity #prisonbreak #lego2023 #lego SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO
In this update, I finish building my custom train station and place it in the LEGO city. This new train station is built into the raised platform! It has lots of details such as signage, WATCH VIDEO