So like everyone in the world I also saw the new modular being released and had many many thoughts. Sadly it took me a while to find some time to sit down and share these WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego collection
So you all know I have a serious obsession with adding lights to everything. I never really set out to do this to all the sets I own, but I do think it really adds WATCH VIDEO
This happens to the best of us, the urge to just go out and buy LEGO. I could not resist this time. So here was a day of joyful shopping and spending more money than WATCH VIDEO
Since I have basically lived and breathed nothing but Medieval MOC in my spare time I deemed it high time to lift the curtain a little and show you some of the behind-the-scenes progress. At WATCH VIDEO
Using the parts from LEGO sets you probably already have, I assembled alternative lego builds of various Star Wars ships, and now you can too! You don’t have to buy expensive retired sets. You WATCH VIDEO
“and I Knew Exactly What To Do. But In A Much More Real Sense, I Had No Idea What To Do.” — Michael Scott Seems like, though I did not watch the show, I still decided WATCH VIDEO
Yay! I got to go shopping! Come along on a little pre-birthday trip to the LEGO store (of course) and a surprise visit to Canons Ashby, which was delightful. I hope you have fun 😀 Johanna WATCH VIDEO
So it has been a while since I have talked and showed you the medieval moc and it is high time for an update. Not least as the display is a month away *panic* But WATCH VIDEO
On the first day of BrickFair VA 2023, MandR’s friend Brandon broke the WORLD RECORD for the largest collection of (unique) LEGO STAR WARS SETS! Brandon’s IG – #legostarwars #WATCH VIDEO
Oh my goodness you guys, after being a little in a rut with it all this shopping trip felt like the good old days. Excitement and many awesome things. I always love visiting Matts shop WATCH VIDEO