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Tags :lego minifigures
#shorts LEGO is breaking barriers with their Minifigures. We all know by now that LEGO tries to stay as neutral as possible. Here’s how LEGO is making its Minifigures more inclusive. 👍 LEAVE A LIKE WATCH VIDEO
Help me make animations full time by supporting me on Patreon: (You also get your name in each video by becoming a Patron!) or by becoming a YouTube Channel Member (WATCH VIDEO
and animated it in LEGO stop-motion! Help me make animations full time by supporting me on Patreon: (You also get your name in each video by becoming a Patron!) or WATCH VIDEO
These LEGO Sets were Haunted… with Vampires ➡️ Join me on Whatnot for my LEGO livestream AND receive $15 when you sign up here: I’ll be going live on Whatnot on WATCH VIDEO
Today I attempted to build a new-and-improved LEGO robot factory that makes MECH suits we can use to save our LEGO city from DISASTER… Support this on LEGO Ideas for it to become a real WATCH VIDEO
I made custom LEGO minifigures of some popular YouTubers and then animated them in LEGO Stop-Motion! Some of the YouTubers in this video: MrBeast, Moist Critical, Dream, Ludwig and many more! Help me make animations WATCH VIDEO
I bought the best rarest expensive lego ninjago Minifigures which are very valuable and compared them to the cheapest, worst LEGO Minifigures. This lego ninjago haul was very expensive and rare. You might have them WATCH VIDEO
Are these LEGO tricks genius or ridiculous? For 21 FREE meals with HelloFresh plus free shipping, use code SPITBRIX21 at 👍 Leave a like if you enjoy the video! 🔔 Subscribe for more WATCH VIDEO