Tags :lego minifigures


Is This LEGOs Creepiest Minifigure?

#shorts This Minifigure was not so cute… Is this the creepiest LEGO Minifigure EVER? 👍 LEAVE A LIKE if you enjoy the video! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! Watch More LEGO Videos: ➝ Most Valuable LEGO Sets – WATCH VIDEO


How LEGO Lost 5 Million Bricks…

Let’s explore LEGO’s tragic ocean disaster and a giant minifigure 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! 👍 Can we reach 5,000 LIKES? In this video, we’ll discuss The Great LEGO Spill which occurred on February 13, 1997 WATCH VIDEO


Have You Seen These Minifigures?

Description #shorts Let’s take a look at the 24th series of the collectibles LEGO Minifigures! Which is your favorite? 👍 LEAVE A LIKE if you enjoy the video! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! Watch More WATCH VIDEO


LEGO’s Secret Sets

Join me on Whatnot for the LEGO livestream AND receive $15 when you sign up here: https://whatnot.com/invite/spitbrix I’ll be going live on Whatnot on Wednesday November 30tth at 5:00 pm EST. Looking WATCH VIDEO


What is the Rarest LEGO Minifigure?

#shorts Since 1978 there have been over 4 billion LEGO Minifigures produced, so surely there has to be a Minifigure out there that is the rarest of them all, watch until the end to find out! 👍 LEAVE WATCH VIDEO