How to build two different Walter White LEGO Minifigures, normal Walter and Hazmat cooking Walter Help me make animations full time by supporting me on Patreon: (You also get your WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego minifigures
#shorts This Minifigure was not so cute… Is this the creepiest LEGO Minifigure EVER? 👍 LEAVE A LIKE if you enjoy the video! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! Watch More LEGO Videos: ➝ Most Valuable LEGO Sets – WATCH VIDEO
Let’s explore LEGO’s tragic ocean disaster and a giant minifigure 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! 👍 Can we reach 5,000 LIKES? In this video, we’ll discuss The Great LEGO Spill which occurred on February 13, 1997 WATCH VIDEO
These are the top 10 Star Wars characters that LEGO has never made as a LEGO Minifigure! These are from all the new Star Wars shows over the last couple years, so make sure to let WATCH VIDEO
Description #shorts Let’s take a look at the 24th series of the collectibles LEGO Minifigures! Which is your favorite? 👍 LEAVE A LIKE if you enjoy the video! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! Watch More WATCH VIDEO
Look at this fossilized LEGO Minifigure 👍 LEAVE A LIKE if you enjoy the video! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! In this video we talk about a LEGO minifigure that was buried in stone for 18 years! WATCH VIDEO
The giveaways and figure auctions will be happening during a Whatnot stream on Saturday, December 3rd at 2pm MT. Not a member of Whatnot? Join using my affiliate link and get a $15 credit: https://whatnot.WATCH VIDEO
Join me on Whatnot for the LEGO livestream AND receive $15 when you sign up here: I’ll be going live on Whatnot on Wednesday November 30tth at 5:00 pm EST. Looking WATCH VIDEO
WOW! I actually love LEGO CMF Series 24! These figures are awesome! Spaceman, carrot, T-Rex, Facloneer, Orc, Kola, and so much more! Honestly probably one of the best LEGO Collectible Minifigure Series (not including the pop WATCH VIDEO
#shorts Since 1978 there have been over 4 billion LEGO Minifigures produced, so surely there has to be a Minifigure out there that is the rarest of them all, watch until the end to find out! 👍 LEAVE WATCH VIDEO