LEGO Has A Droid Problem…

The LEGO Star Wars Summer & Fall 2023 sets have been underwhelming, to say the least. But through it, there has been one glaring issue for the future of LEGO Star Wars. That is the fact WATCH VIDEO


What? My Body Suddenly Lengthens! LEGO Prison Break

What? My Body Suddenly Lengthens! LEGO Prison Break #legoland #legoprisonbreak #prisonbreak #lego #legostopmotion #woavideos ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break https://go.woanetwork.com/LegoLandLegoPrisonBreak ★ LEGO Land – Lego Police https://go.woanetwork.WATCH VIDEO


Will We Finally See a LEGO Shrek Set?

#shorts LEGO have a long-standing relationship with Dreamworks, releasing Trolls and Minions themed sets. After AshnFlash submitted their LEGO Ideas set, it received over 10,000 supports! So, could we finally be getting a LEGO Shrek set? 👍 WATCH VIDEO