Tags :lego police


LEGO Police | Facing Hungry Giant Cockroaches

Police Officer John and his teammates meet 2 special people at the cockroaches’s lair. Just who are they? #legoland #legopolice #giantcockroachesattack #lego #legostopmotion #stopmotion #woavideos LEGO Police | Facing Hungry Giant Cockroaches ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Police | Buzz Lightyear Defeats Escaped Prisoners

With the help of police Lightyear, Can the police officers catch all the prisoners who intend to escape? #legoland #legopolice #Lightyear #legoprionbreak #Lightyear2022 #lego #legostopmotion #stopmotion #woavideos LEGO Police | Buzz Lightyear Defeats Escaped Prisoners ———————————————- ►►WATCH VIDEO