I bought LEGO Mos Eisley Cantina first thing when it launched for VIPs in the LEGO store and received a free PROMO or GIFT WITH PURCHASE of YODA’S LIGHTSABER! Now I’ve built this WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego star wars
I got up super early on 16th September to buy the LEGO Mos Eisley Cantina from my closest Lego store. I was mega excited for this new LEGO Star Wars Master Builder Series (MBS) set WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re looking at the LEGO Star Wars Bespin Duel set! Ashnflash Xtra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3kEze-ey913tiaIBY5Efg My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashnflash/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/WATCH VIDEO
Today, thanks to promobricks and stonewars we got a ton of information for the 2021 Star Wars sets! Promobricks: https://www.promobricks.de/lego-star-wars-2021-neuheiten/108893/ Stone Wars: https://www.stonewars.de/news/lego-star-wars-2021-liste/ Ashnflash Xtra: WATCH VIDEO
My best guess for the LEGO Star Wars 75318 the Child release date, what I think a 2022 LEGO Star Wars Geonosian Arena could include, why I don’t think there will be more LEGO 75294 Bespin Duel WATCH VIDEO
EVERY LEGO Star Wars 2013 set ranked from what I think is the worst set of the year to the best set! 2013 was VERY GOOD with the 75021 Republic Gunship, 75019 AT-TE- 10236 Ewok Village, 75012 BARC Speeder w/ sidecar, &WATCH VIDEO
LEGO has officially announced the LEGO Star Wars 75290 (Master Builder Series) Mos Eisley Cantina! I have full HP pictures o this incredible set & all 21 Minifigures! We also have the official price & piece count! WATCH VIDEO
I wanted to show you all 4 LEGO Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina sets together at once. LEGO has had a completely different philosophy with each set from the iconic scene, we’ve seen iconic characters WATCH VIDEO
Will the 2021 LEGO Star Wars TIE Fighter & X-Wing be smaller? Have LEGO sets become cheaper or smaller… or both? Will more sets attach to the 75290 Mos Eisley Cantina or 75270 Obi-Wan’s Hut? If we WATCH VIDEO
LEGO finally released a Star Wars Lightsaber hilt as a free promo set 6346097 Yoda’s Lightsaber! The set was available with purchases of the 75290 MBS Mos Eisley Cantina during its release and sold out within WATCH VIDEO