Check out the LEGO Lightsaber replica by ArtSabers (use code: HOLLY for 5% off*: The LEGO Lightsaber is one of the most recognisable of all of Star WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego star wars
So with the Ahsoka Series Finale airing last night we realized the 3 2023 LEGO Star Wars Ahsoka Series sets we got in September really didn’t give us all that much from the show. So today WATCH VIDEO
With the release of the NEW LEGO Star Wars UCS Republic Venator, I thought it was time to build my sealed copy of the retired LEGO Star Wars 75252 UCS Imperial Star Destroyer. But it did WATCH VIDEO
Take a look at the TOP 10 LARGEST LEGO STAR WARS SETS in the WORLD! These sets have been coming out since 2005 and undoubtedly included in the selection are some of the greatest sets ever released! WATCH VIDEO
A 3rd party LEGO Store had a car crash through its window, why the next LEGO Star Wars MBS set will still be The Battle of Endor, why I don’t think the 2023 LEGO Star WATCH VIDEO
So the closer we get to LEGO Star Wars 2024 the more and more real and sadly FAKE LEGO Star Wars Leaks we’ll start getting. This image of a supposed LEGO Star Wars 2024 Clone Trooper (WATCH VIDEO
🔴LIVE: I’M BACK! 2023 LEGO Star Wars UCS Venator LIVE BUILD! EP. 1 ➤ More LifeBricks Content⤵ ➤ Please Leave A Like & Comment! ➤ Subscribe For More: @LifeBricks Become a member of the channel for extra perks! / @lifebricks WATCH VIDEO
LEGO pricing has been increasing year-over-year due to inflation, demand, supply, and other factors. This has also translated into currency conversions across countries. In some countries, it is cheaper to purchase LEGO than in others. WATCH VIDEO
So as of a few weeks ago we got New LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set LEAKS regarding basically everything for the first half of 2024. Including January, March, & even May + LEGO Star Wars 2024 May 4th UCS WATCH VIDEO
Using the parts from LEGO sets you probably already have, I assembled alternative lego builds of various Star Wars ships, and now you can too! You don’t have to buy expensive retired sets. You WATCH VIDEO