These are 5 retired lego star wars sets that are about to drop in price very soon. New LEGO Star Wars sets such as Ahsoka’s T-6 Jedi Shuttle 75362, The Ghost 75357, UCS Venator 75367, 332nd battle pack 75359, WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego star wars
Is LEGO really a better investment than gold? With a lot of people getting in on the LEGO investment game, will the pay off and growth rate be as good as it used to be… WATCH VIDEO
Throughout 20 years of LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars, the LEGO community has received 100s of Clone Troopers. But some, in particular, are better than others. Clones like Commander Gree, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Commander WATCH VIDEO
There are over 90 NEW LEGO SETS coming out over the next couple of months and in this video, I go over them all of them! Sets from all different themes: Technic, Marvel, Star Wars, Disney, WATCH VIDEO
Well LEGO Star Wars Battle Pack History was almost made again this year. We have known of a LEGO Star Wars Swamp Speeder being rumored for 2023 for months now, before we ever knew it would WATCH VIDEO
The long-awaited LEGO Star Wars 75367 UCS Venator Star Destroyer minifigs have finally been leaked. This Venator Class Star Destroyer is set to include 2 Clone Wars minifigs (Young Admiral Yularen and Phase 2 Captain Rex). It’s WATCH VIDEO
Which LEGO Star Wars Clone Trooper was the best and why isn’t it Captain Rex, why a LEGO Plo Koon with Wolfpack. Cl one set would be a BAD idea right now, is modern WATCH VIDEO
LEGO Star Wars once CANCELLED a LEGO Yavin 4 Rebel base set around 2008, come Summer 2023 we finally have an official set! The 75365 Yavin IV Rebel Base has is more different than similar to the prototype. I WATCH VIDEO
Today I start off by drawing the winner for the Early LEGO Star Wars 2023 Commander Fox. Also I start the LEGO Giveaway for another one! Then I take a few minutes to discuss my thoughts WATCH VIDEO