Tags :lego star wars
Today we have some new LEGO Star Wars 2023 LEAKS! Today we will be going over a New 2023 LEGO Star Wars Foil Bag! Let’s just say compared to the LEGO Star Wars 212th foil bag… WATCH VIDEO
Today we actually have our FIRST OFFICIAL LEAKED look at a LEGO Star Wars 2023 Summer Set Minifigure! That being a Christmas Sweater Ewok from the LEGO Star Wars 2023 Advent Calendar! It’s leaked months early WATCH VIDEO
With the the building brick genre growing in popularity, LEGO are bound to have some increased competition. But how do LEGO compare to that competition in 2023? Retro 1960s Television 61008 Pantasy Global: https://s.r.sn.WATCH VIDEO
I went to my second ever LEGO convention, Atlanta Brick Con. Here’s what I thought of the event, as well as my LEGO Haul from the convention, Atlanta Brick Co and more! Merch Store – WATCH VIDEO
Walmart Canada has recently put a bunch of LEGO sets on clearance. Some are brand new, some retired, but all are good deals. So in today’s video, I went to all 3 of my local WATCH VIDEO
LEGO Star Wars designers just showed how much damage LAN has done, 4 years of no LEGO Clone Wars Captain Rex’s Y-Wing, is the LEGO Star Wars UCS Sandcrawler ACTUALLY a UCS set?, LEGO Count WATCH VIDEO
Today I will be talking about 10 Retiring LEGO Star Wars Sets YOU Should Be Investing In! This list is changing every month but as of now we have 28 LEGO Star Wars sets retiring in 2023, involving WATCH VIDEO
Make your LEGO Hunter minifigure even better!WATCH VIDEO
Welcome back everyone to another LEGO Star Wars Set Ideas video! This will be going over potential LEGO Star Wars 2023 Bad Batch Season Summer Sets! We already know of every LEGO Star Wars 2023 Spring Set, WATCH VIDEO