This is a Lego stop motion animated movie that I created based on the famous movie “Titanic”. Story of famous ship returns as new brickfilm. Titanic is leaving port in Southampton and sails on her WATCH VIDEO
Tags :Lego Stop Motion
Lego City Prison Prisoner Hospital Escape Lego Stop Motion Animation Movie. Created By LEGOSTOP Films. Music: YouTube Audio Library SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO
A thief who pretended to be statue to break into the museum. Will he be discovered or will he steal valuables from the museum. Let’s watch this video together!!!! #LegoLand #LegoCityMuseumHeist #ThiefDisguisedAsLivingStatue #legostopmotion 0:00 Thief WATCH VIDEO
In todays video, among us crew all try and escape prison! Can they escape? #LegoLand #legoamongus #legoamongusprisonbreak #amongusanimation 0:00 Escaping from Prison in AMONG US 3:13 Father and Son 6:18 Secret Imposter 8:54 Prison Break ►►See more of LEGO WATCH VIDEO
Lego DESTROY The Unbreakable Money BOX, Win $ 100,000! Lego Stop Motion Animation Movie. Created By LEGOSTOP Films. Music: YouTube Audio Library SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO
Alex is a cop and has a colleague named Seth. One day, Alex discovered that Seth had stolen money from the bank. However, the story in this lego stop motion video does not end here. WATCH VIDEO
Thief hides from police outside the window. Will the police see him? #LegoLand #legothief #legopolice 0:00 Thief Hides From Police Outside The Window 2:13 Police Prison Break 4:44 Zombie 7:26 Battle Origami ►►See more of LEGO Land: https://go.WATCH VIDEO
Harry is a tailor. But he was caught. At the prison, he used the skills of a tailor to escape. Will he escape? #LegoLand #legoprisonbreak #legotailor #legopolice #legojail 0:00 Amazing Police Trap From Thread 3:00 Prison Break 6:33 WATCH VIDEO
Episode 40: At it again with those wacky cars… Click Here to Subscribe: Tim & Ralph Complete Series: WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Shark Attack ATM Robbery Lego Stop Motion Animation Movie. Created By LEGOSTOP Films. Music: YouTube Audio Library SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO