Tags :lego technic


Building 10 Lego Elevators

Different elevator/lift mechanisms and how to build them. 9/10 are motorized and one is pneumatically operated. Enjoy! 00:06 Screw drive elevator 00:54 Rack-and-pinion elevator 01:40 Winch elevator 02:33 Parallelogram lift 03:21 Scissor lift 04:20 Pneumatic elevator 05:17 Chain drive elevator with counterweight 06:16 WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Vehicles vs All Terrain…

Check out Krazy Ky’s Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs! https://store.bricklink.com/KrazyKys In this video I build and test 7 LEGO Vehicles for different terrains like Mud, Dirt, Sand, ice, Snow, WATCH VIDEO


200 Wheel Lego Vehicle

A 6.4 meters long, remote-controlled, Lego road train that drives on 200 wheels. Axles are positioned at the center of each trailer to make the rear path follow the front (almost). Hinge joints are used between trailers. WATCH VIDEO


Turning Diameter Comparison with Lego

Testing the wall-to-wall U-turn diameter (turning radius) of different steering systems. Aiming for a sharp U-turn. The length and width of the vehicle stay the same throughout the video. Enjoy! Base rules for all vehicles: WATCH VIDEO