Check out the train as it does a full loop around the LEGO City!WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego train
When you’re sooo excited about firing up the LEGO Train that you forget to check the track!WATCH VIDEO
In this update I finish installing the base structure for the LEGO city underground/subway train! To do this I had to cut a bunch more shelving, even out some corner boards, install reinforcements, and WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I decrease the train grade by 50% making it 640 studs long! That is 20 baseplate! Now the track goes up one plate every 32 studs and the train glides up it with ease. WATCH VIDEO
in this update I fix the train grade in the front of the LEGO city. Now trains can make their way up in and over the canal with ease! I also created the track coverings WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I work on the connection between the water in the ocean to the canal. To do that I had to create a boardwalk plate and train bridge with archways underneath. WATCH VIDEO
I got the train fired up! It feels great to see it ripping around the city! To get it going I had to whip up 8 more ballast segments of track. In addition to the ballast WATCH VIDEO
Check out the entire LEGO room from a First Person Perspective of LEGO Trains! In this video, we check out the LEGO Express Passenger Train 60337 and then send it flying on a huge circuit of WATCH VIDEO
I built the new LEGO Disney minifigures a MASSIVE train with weird and wacky interiors to ride around a full-sized LEGO train layout! All aboard for a reimagining of your favorite childhood classics! 🎖 Become a WATCH VIDEO
In this VLOG I finish installing the raised platform and fix the raised train line! I had to create a huge custom segment that has a small raised segment to accommodate the Disney train. After WATCH VIDEO