In today’s LEGO city update, I continue moving our downtown core in order to better accommodate town hall and the central park. I also decided to move the beach back, which will give us WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego vlog
In this LEGO city update, I move all the modular buildings around to try and finalize a layout. The changes include Central Park, Pop Culture Street, a canal, a train station, and much more. I WATCH VIDEO
In this VLOG I prepare for vacation and give a behind-the-scenes look at a few busy and great days! The vacation was awesome… but I am very excited about the rest of this week! LEGO WATCH VIDEO
Sooo I am having a hard time taking any time off from the LEGO Studio… even a fun weekend is hard to say yes to! There is so much work to do… and I want WATCH VIDEO
In this Studio Update, I start cutting the wood for the LEGO City tables! The first table spans 7×27 baseplates… that is 189 total! There are going to be four tables that are all connected… GO BIG WATCH VIDEO
The wood for the LEGO City Tables has arrived! In this VLOG I prep for its arrival by hauling stuff out of the studio and moving LEGO. I am so excited about embarking on the WATCH VIDEO
Today I head to the studio and find something I’m not too happy about… but luckily there is a quick solution. In addition to that, check out these awesome tables that we got for WATCH VIDEO
Today we build a ton of LEGO display shelves and get them placed in the gallery rooms. During this process, I realized I made a HUGE MISTAKE… I simply cannot believe I made such a WATCH VIDEO
In this Studio Update, I place shelving in the largest room and come up with a plan for the other displays! To place the shelving I had to transport the rest from the LEGO room… WATCH VIDEO
In today’s LEGO studio update, we move over the last of our display shelves and a few sets. After that, I set up a pretty sweet LEGO display in my new work space! Can WATCH VIDEO