Tags :lego


I Built my Dream LEGO Studio!

In this video I design a LEGO model of my dream Youtube studio, and then build it IN REAL LIFE! John 3:16 Jesus loves you! 🙂 Follow Me On Socials! TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brick_science WATCH VIDEO


The Thieves Stole $100 Billion from a Bank Vault Unseen!

The Thieves Stole $100 Billion from a Bank Vault Unseen! #legoland #legoprisonbreak #legopolice #legocity #legorobbery #lego #legostopmotion #woavideos ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfuFL86UFN7s4WATCH VIDEO