I’ve had a lot of questions asking if I can make a video showing you guys how I order all my rare parts and figures using Bricks and Pieces so today I talk you WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego
Today, we got leaks for 2021 LEGO Keychains and well….. FRIENDS might be getting it’s own theme!!!! Ashnflash Xtra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3kEze-ey913tiaIBY5Efg My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashnflash/ WATCH VIDEO
How to build a LEGO Angel for your Christmas Tree with your LEGO pieces! This is the day 6 build of my LEGO Advent Calendar series! Check the full playlist here ► https://bit.ly/TC-AdventCalendar SUSBCRIBE ► WATCH VIDEO
In-person review of the first LEGO Sesame Street set from an adult LEGO fan who hasn’t watched Sesame Street in well over 30 years! 🟠 Become a supporter on Patreon! https://patreon.com/jangbricks Join the WATCH VIDEO
As requested by people in comments I decided to make new lego stop motion about prison break. Prisoner Escapes From Lego City Police Station of Crazy Police. Why is it called the crazy police prison. WATCH VIDEO
Welcome to TalkBricks! Today I’m breaking down This Week in BONUS LEGO NEWS!! Featuring LEGO Deals! LEGO Minifigures! LEGO Ninjago! LEGO Technic! LEGO Disney! LEGO Friends! & MORE!! #LEGO #LEGONews #TalkBricks SUBSCRIBE TO MY WATCH VIDEO
WoW! a BaTmAn 2021 SeT!? iS tHeRe SoMeThInG nEw!?!?! Ashnflash Xtra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3kEze-ey913tiaIBY5Efg My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashnflash/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/AshnflashWATCH VIDEO
Online Store: http://www.brickvault.toys/ Subscribe for more Lego news and custom builds! ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrhb3SP2lZBgguLHIWWuHOQ?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brick.vault/ Twitter https://twitter.com/WATCH VIDEO
More new LEGO City 2021 sets have been revealed, and they both are surprisingly good, but one is better and overpriced IMO. It’s a Car Transporter and Shopping Street. Thanks to… Learning Express: https://learningexpressgifts.WATCH VIDEO
Today, we got two new 2021 City set pictures! Thanks to 1414falconfan: https://www.instagram.com/1414falconfan/ Source: https://www.instagram.com/1414falconfan/ Ashnflash Xtra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3kEze-ey913tiaIBY5Efg My Instagram: WATCH VIDEO