New LEGO Ninjago 2021 Legacy Sets – Let’s take a look! 👍 Leave a LIKE if you are excited for these sets! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE and Turn on Notifications! In this video, we take a look at the brand WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego
Today, we are officially starting my custom LEGO Ninjago LEGACY Advent Calendar! Ashnflash Xtra: My Instagram: My Twitter: VIDEO
Y’all Star Wars gatekeepers better not come at me but people let me know the ship names please I want to learn. Thank you! Spoiler Warning for the surprise days will be given. Lets WATCH VIDEO
Let’s check out what’s in store today in my custom LEGO Minecraft Advent Calendar! Let me know what you think of the build, and what you think will be shown tomorrow! Day 1: https://WATCH VIDEO
Birthday hauls are the best hauls! Especially when you get old 2013 LEGO Star Wars sets I’m so thankful for a fun birthday! It was great to celebrate with family + I got a bunch of WATCH VIDEO
A look at all 12 of the upcoming LEGO CMF series entries to start 2021, including the Aztec warrior, Space Policeman, violinist, castaway, beekeeper, centaur, and more! 🟠 Become a supporter on Patreon! Join WATCH VIDEO
How to build LEGO Christmas Gifts with your LEGO pieces! This is the day 2 build of my LEGO Advent Calendar series! Check the full playlist here ► SUSBCRIBE ► VIDEO
LEGO Technic Monster Jam Monster Trucks Grave Digger and MAX D have been revealed!WATCH VIDEO
The LEGO Ninjago 2021 Overlord Dragon set has been revealed! Thanks to… and VIDEO
1414falconfan: Reveal: Ashnflash Xtra: My Instagram: VIDEO