Tags :lego


LEGO Bumper Cars Arena (Tutorial)

How to build a LEGO Bumper Cars Arena with your LEGO pieces! SUSBCRIBE ► https://bit.ly/Subscribe_TiagoCatarino (or I take all your LEGO) PART LISTS ► http://bit.ly/JOIN_TiagoCatarino (channel membership) LEGO IDEAS ► WATCH VIDEO


New LEGO City set YOU make?

There’s a new LEGO City set in Denmark that YOU design! Thanks to Zusammengebaut: https://zusammengebaut.com/lego-lab-designe-dein-eigenes-lego-city-set-105985/ — just2good shirts! https://sharkrobot.com/collections/just2good-store The just2good Patreon! https://www.patreon.WATCH VIDEO