These LEGO sets and themes are so nostalgic! SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos
Leave a LIKE if you enjoy LEGO has made many sets over the years. If you’ve been collecting LEGO sets for WATCH VIDEO
Tags :lego
This is an overview and review of LEGO Ninjago Magazine No.118 which includes a Season 2 Part 1 Lord Ras minifigure, as well as a comic about Kai and Bonzle being stuck in the nether space, posters, WATCH VIDEO
If you want to check out my stream on Saturday (31st July, 5pm EST), be sure to sign up to WhatNot , and remember to bookmark it! Now that I’WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I fix the angled canal by matching the 45 degree angel on both sides. The canal now features two large triangular areas, raised walkways, and with the changes it is now WATCH VIDEO
LEGO Batman 76273 Batman Construction Figure and the Bat-Pod Bike – LEGO Speed Build Review All new LEGO sets you find here:* 713 pcs 64,99$ / 74,99€ #lego #batpod #legobatman #lego2024 #76273 #lego76273 #austrianbrickfan ►find good LEGO WATCH VIDEO
LEGO Harry Potter 76437 The Burrow – Collectors’ Edition – LEGO Speed Build Review You will find this set here:* 2405 pcs 259,99$ / 259,99€ #lego #burrow #austrianbrickfan #legoharrypotter #lego76437 #lego2024 #rlfm #reviews The set was provided WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update I remove the idea for a bridge. That opened up 4 baseplates… and it was time to play with my LEGO city again! Moving modulars around and trying to nail down WATCH VIDEO
Not tackling projects I have been wanting to do or being too afraid to even start has been a real difficulty for me. I see so many amazing things online every day which makes me WATCH VIDEO
In this video, I show case all LEGO Ninjago Serpentine Minifigures as of 2024. Over the course of 12 years, we’ve had many different Ninjago snake figures, and in this video I show off my complete WATCH VIDEO
How many of you can remember this LEGO Star Wars commercial from 2004? ================================================ Check Out Exclusive Content On Instagram: Sign Up Through My Rakuten Referral Link https://www.WATCH VIDEO