Tags :lego


LEGO Phineas & Ferb CMF Series

Today, I’m releasing my LEGO Phineas & Ferb CMF Series with the release of Candace Against the Universe! IDEAS Project: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/d8fd3d62-adbf-41fb-927d-47620628d20c Ashnflash WATCH VIDEO


MY LEGO September 1st 2020 Haul

Today, I’m sharing with you my haul from September 1st! Got some old stuff I’m surprised was still in stock. Ashnflash Xtra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3kEze-ey913tiaIBY5Efg My Instagram: WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Yoda Lightsaber Promo Coming Soon

Today, we got a leak for an upcoming LEGO Star Wars promo! Picture: https://demonhunterbricks.co.uk/shop/star-wars/yodas-lightsaber/ Ashnflash Xtra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv3kEze-ey913tiaIBY5Efg My Instagram: https://www.WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Names, Info & More!

Today, thanks to promobricks and stonewars we got a ton of information for the 2021 Star Wars sets! Promobricks: https://www.promobricks.de/lego-star-wars-2021-neuheiten/108893/ Stone Wars: https://www.stonewars.de/news/lego-star-wars-2021-liste/ Ashnflash Xtra: WATCH VIDEO