Watch the brand new LEGO Santiago Bernabéu Stadium set 10299 build itself with stop motion animation! Do you plan to purchase this set? Let us know in the comments. Video created by Beyond the Brick’WATCH VIDEO
Tags :legos
►►See more of LEGO Land: ———————————————- ►►About LEGO Land LEGO Land is a team with great passion for LEGO and making LEGO Stop Motion Animation Videos. Our videos cover a WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon sits down with Atlanta Brick Co. owner Chris Cott to count down the top 10 rarest LEGO sets in the store. Purchase sets online at Visit Atlanta WATCH VIDEO
Lisa disguises as pink soldier to help Doof escape from prison in squid game.Can squid game doll detect Lisa? #legoland #lego #legostopmotion #legocityprisonbreak #prisonbreak #SquidGame #SquidGameDoll Squid Game Doll Was BETRAYED By Pink Soldier | WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Kirk Wilson reviews the new LEGO Jim Lee Batman Collection Art set 31205 with 4,167 pieces! Subscribe to Kirk’s channel called The Geek Effect: Thanks to LEGO WATCH VIDEO
Leon and Doof want to save Lisa from prison and they have specific plans. Will everything go according to Doof and Loen’s plan? #legoland #lego #legostopmotion #police Prisoners Rise From The Grave | Family Gang WATCH VIDEO
Thanks to Samolot for allowing us to share his amazing LEGO creations. Which one is your favorite? Subscribe to his YouTube channel: 💥Top 10 LEGO Star Wars Creations: VIDEO
Play World of Warships here: Thank you World of Warships for sponsoring this video. During registration use the code FIRE to get for free: 200 Doubloons 1M Credits Tier 5 – USS Texas 20x WATCH VIDEO
Doll Squid game and prisoner are being kept in a cell. The doll kept singing which angered the police.What can make the doll stop making noise? #legoland #lego #stopmotion #police #prisonbreak #squidgame The Prison WATCH VIDEO
A discussion of the design progression I went through for a decorative element of one of my upcoming LEGO models. Support us on Patreon: Visit our website: WATCH VIDEO