Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Adam Bell and his family about their LEGO Alamo battle at Brick Rodeo 2021. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! 👕Our merch WATCH VIDEO
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Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Owen Cook about his Rebel Ambush on Lothal displayed at Brick Rodeo 2021 in Houston, Texas. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! 👕WATCH VIDEO
Online Store: Subscribe for more Lego news and custom building! â–º Instagram Twitter VIDEO
Top 10 LEGO WWII Creations: Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Jim Beute about his LEGO USS Wisconsin World War II battleship displayed at BrickFair Virginia 2021. 🔔Subscribe for WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Owen from Owen’s Bricks about his LEGO Star Wars battle displayed at BrickFair Virginia 2021. Subscribe to Owen’s Bricks: 🔔Subscribe for awesome WATCH VIDEO
How to build a LEGO Bus with your LEGO pieces! SUSBCRIBE or I take your LEGO MEMBERSHIPS â–º VIDEO GEAR â–º INSTAGRAM â–º VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Tim Hutchings about his LEGO Wild West town displayed at Brick Rodeo 2021. Subscribe to Tim’s YouTube channel: 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Shawn Kelly about the massive Kansas City Brick Lab LEGO train layout at Brick Days Omaha 2021. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Max about his giant LEGO Vader’s Castle at BrickFair Virginia 2021. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! 👕Our merch store with WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Caden Burton about his LEGO Bloody Nose Ridge battle at BrickFair Virginia 2021. Also check out Caden’s LEGO Battle of Peleliu airfield: 🔔WATCH VIDEO