Tags :legos


LEGO Star Wars Battle of Scarif

Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Carson Thu about his LEGO Star Wars Battle of Scarif displayed at Brick Rodeo 2024. 💥Top 10 LEGO Star Wars Creations: https://youtu.be/uxZ73f-OHK4 🏰Top 10 LEGO Castles: WATCH VIDEO


Custom LEGO Battle Mechs

Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Kyle from RabidFleaBuilds about his LEGO mechs displayed at Brick Rodeo 2024. Get instructions for his models: https://rebrickable.com/users/RabidFleaBuilds/mocs/ 💥Top 10 LEGO Star Wars Creations: WATCH VIDEO


Horizon: Zero Dawn Scene in LEGO

Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Ben Rollman about his LEGO Horizon: Zero Dawn display at Brick Rodeo 2024. Follow Ben: https://www.instagram.com/bensbrickdesigns/ 💥Top 10 LEGO Star Wars Creations: https://youtu.be/WATCH VIDEO