Tags :legos


LEGO Halloween Decorations (Tutorial)

How to build LEGO Halloween Decorations with only 10 LEGO pieces! SUSBCRIBE ► https://bit.ly/Subscribe_TiagoCatarino For Part Lists consider becoming a channel member: http://bit.ly/JOIN_TiagoCatarino LEGO Animal Crossing Project: Vote Here ► WATCH VIDEO


Ridiculous LEGO Wedding Ideas

Brian and Matt discuss unique ideas for Joshua’s wedding. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! https://goo.gl/xFsBuQ 👕Our merch store with exclusive LEGO shirt designs: http://BTBmerch.com 💥Top 10 LEGO WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Living Room (Tutorial)

How to build a LEGO Living Room with your LEGO pieces! Go to https://surfshark.deals/TIAGOCATARINO and use the code “TIAGOCATARINO” for 83% discount and 3 months for free! SUSBCRIBE or you sleep on the couch… WATCH VIDEO


Seeing RED! | TOP 10 LEGO MOCs

Online Store: http://www.brickvault.toys/ Subscribe for more Lego custom building and news! ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrhb3SP2lZBgguLHIWWuHOQ?sub_confirmation=1 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brick.vault/ Twitter https://twitter.com/WATCH VIDEO