Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Emmet Berg-Tippin and Caleb Green about their LEGO Star Wars: Battlefront creation at Bricks Cascade 2023. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! 👕WATCH VIDEO
Tags :legos
I always love a great detailed minifigure, but at what cost? Here are the new LEGO Star Wars mechs that will be releasing on August 1st. Thanks to JB Spielwaren for the photos! Twitch – https://WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with BayLUG members about their LEGO Coco display at Bricks Cascade 2023. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! 👕Our merch store with exclusive WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Tunnel Bank Robbery #lego #legoland #bankrobbery ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break ★ LEGO Land – Lego Police ★ LEGO Land – Lego Apocalypse WATCH VIDEO
The 2023 Batcave is here! It’s not what I expected at all but I am pleasently surprised (the price tho…) Come discuss on Twitch! Photo Source: A retail store Merch Store – WATCH VIDEO
#shorts There are tons of real-life crossovers in the LEGO world. Your Minifigure could visit a McDonald’s, top up gas in their Ferrari at the Shell Service Station and so much more! Stick to WATCH VIDEO
I recently had to move all my LEGO and recent LEGO clearance purchases out of my apartment. This video showcases all my recent LEGO clearance pickups. Along with that, I’ve also bought a lot WATCH VIDEO
Lucasfilm employees were gifted what has now become one of the rarest LEGO Star Wars sets ever, the Lucas Yoda Fountain. Not a single one has been sold on the secondary market, and no one WATCH VIDEO
These LEGO Animals are super expensive! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! 👍 Leave a LIKE if you enjoy! Today, we’re comparing the cheapest and most expensive LEGO animal pieces! LEGO has made pieces for hundreds WATCH VIDEO
#shorts Has Lady Liberty been left out in the sun too long? LEGO enthusiasts love high-level achievements when building intricate LEGO sets. But, when this set is completed, do you think it looks like it WATCH VIDEO